About Tubers Space

 What is this site?

When I started streaming games on Twitch and uploading YouTube videos I was looking for websites providing technical tutorials on how to be a better streamer/tuber and tips about the whole business side. I was also looking for forums where creators can talk and help each other.

I started talking with different gaming YouTubers I met, in person and on twitter, and realized there is no such place.

So I called up a good friend, and we made this. Our attempt to create some sort of gaming tubers/streamers blog.


What do we want this to be?

For now, we’re trying to focus on 2 smaller goals:

  1. Public site: Provide some news and technical articles/videos for gaming content creators. Everyone can read and comment.
  2. Private Community Page: Building a small, closed, highly professional community to allow top creators to discuss the business side between ourselves. Once we’ll feel the dynamic is good and working in the private community, we’ll start inviting a more creators in.


How can you help?

Glad you asked!

First, start visiting the site and start writing in the comments if you like the news and videos we post, or not. This will help a lot to know what type of content to post.

Second, suggest new content. We have a special form for that and if we’ll post it, you’ll get a Hat Tip credit.

Third, if you want to write an opinion article, or do an opinion video on something related to the industry – we’ll be happy to post it.


Finally – drop me a word on twitter and let me know if you like what we do with the site here. This is an after work-hours project for us and your feedback is what get us going.


– Civaxo